Boards — are one of the main entities in FlowFast. They are building blocks of your processes. Boards are the place where all your cards/tasks live.
In this article you'll learn:
where the boards are located;
what boards consist of;
how to visualize your working processes with the help of boards in FlowFast.
Boards in FlowFast are located within spaces:
There may be multiple boards within one space.
Besides one and the same board can be located on several spaces.
Finally, you can create a separate space for a single board.
The hierarchy of entities in FlowFast looks as follows:
Space → Boards → Cards
If you want certain users to have access to a board and cards on them you need to invite these users to the space where the board is located.
The major elements of a board:
Columns | Help to visualize the stages of work. Standard stages include: «Planned», «In progress» и «Done». A board in FlowFast may consist of an unlimited number of columns. |
Subcolumns | Subcolumns are second-level columns. In most cases they are used to make some stage a bit more detailed or to clearly divide a stage on phases/statuses «Doing» and «Done». |
Lanes | Help to categorize cards on a board. For example, the title of a lane may reflect priority («Urgent», «Standard») or the name of a responsible team member, etc. |
Cells | The area where columns and lanes cross. |
Besides, each board has its name.
If you wish you can add Board description.
You can freely create an unlimited number of columns, subcolumns and lanes to reflect your processes in as many details as possible.
Columns serve as the stages of a process. For instance: «Queue», «Coding», «Testing», «Done».
2nd-level columns («subcolumns») let you make the stages more detailed by dividing them into phases. For example, you can add subcolumns «In progress», «Review», «Ready for testing» to show the phases for the «Coding» column .
Horizontal lanes help to divide tasks onto UrgentГоризонтальные дорожки позволяют разделять задачи, например, на «Urgent» and «Standard» and so on.
It means that you can make any process from development, marketing or sales to designing clothing or furniture construction vivid and intuitive.