Block resolution time

Card blocking — is a convenient and clear way to tell the team that there is an obstacle that is preventing the card from moving to the final stage.

The blocking chart shows how long the tasks have been blocked, the reasons for the blocking and the conclusions to be drawn.

How to read the Block resolution time graph

  • On the X-axis are the cards that have been blocked for the period you have selected.

  • The Y-axis shows the days.

  • The columns show how long each card has been blocked.

  • If you have created several locks for one card with different reasons, the column of such a card will be composite. Each part of it shows a different reason for blocking and a different resolution time.

If you hover the cursor over a column, you will see more detailed information about the blocked card: the name of the task, the reason for blocking or the name of the blocking card, the exact time of blocking.

How to analyze blockings

In addition to the chart, you can also download the blocking time report in excel format. To do this, click on the button "Download report" in the upper right corner.

You can use it to perform a detailed analysis of the lockouts, identify which problems are most often slowing down the team's work and try to eliminate them.

Here's what you need to do to do this:

  1. Inside the team, make an explicit rule when tasks are blocked.

  2. When this rule is triggered, block the card via the "Block" button and be sure to record the reason for blocking. This should be clear to the whole team and should be expanded. Not just "WAIT", but a specific reason. This is very important.

  3. Then there is a period of time after which you need to collect data on blockages. For example, once a month. This is done in the "Block resolution time report" in FlowFast.

  4. Then we need to look at what type of blockages they were, what their reasons were, in what proportion and at what stage they occurred, how long it took to resolve them. We can then see why the tasks get blocked most often. You can then come up with a solution on what to do about it.

  5. After making changes to your process, the most important thing is to collect data again next month on this particular cluster of blockages and see if the changes are working or not.

You may find these articles useful:

👉 Summary report

👉 How to block a card