Types of boards in FlowFast

Every process in your company is made up of stages. A board is a visual representation of these stages, it helps you understand where you are in the process.

By using FlowFast, you can create many different boards for different teams, tasks and individuals.

Our users have noted that FlowFast is like a construction set, from which you can build a comfortable space by combining different elements. In this article, we will give some hints on how this can be done.

There are several board templates in FlowFast, which you can either use prefabricated or customize.

In this article you will learn:

  1. What board templates are available in FlowFast;

  2. How to modify and customize FlowFast template boards to suit your process;

  3. How you can use the boards to organize your workflow.

What board templates are available in FlowFast

A simple kanban-board

Initially consists of three basic columns showing the standard workflow steps: 

"Queue"/"To Do" - the tasks you plan to complete;

"In progress"/"Doing" - tasks that are currently in progress;

"Done" - completed tasks.

Board with lanes

On this board, besides the vertical division into columns (stages of work), there is a horizontal division into lanes.

The lanes are used to better visualize the workflow:

  • divide tasks by priority (Urgent, normal priority, non-prioritized);

  • divide tasks by performer (Performer 1, Performer 2);

  • divide tasks according to the type of work (Articles, social media posts, email newsletters);

  • divide tasks in relation to different departments (HR, Accounting, IT).

Scrum board

This type of board is designed specifically for scrum framework work.

The board consists of two parts:

  • Backlog - this is where the project tasks you intend to complete in the future are located.

  • Sprint Board - consists of the sprint backlog (tasks to be completed for the sprint), tasks in progress and completed tasks.

👉 Read more about the FlowFast features for Scrum teams in our instructions.

How to modify and customize boards in FlowFast to suit your workflow

In FlowFast you can visualize any workflow with the help of boards and their combinations.

We don't limit your possibilities with existing templates! You can build boards to your own specifications.

You can add an unlimited number of new elements to any template board:

  • columns with the main steps of the work;

  • subcolumns which divide the work steps into smaller parts;

  • lanes.

How to add a column

  1. Select the board to which you want to add a column;

  2. Click the + in the top right corner of the board;

  3. Select "Add Column";

  4. Next, come up with a name for the column and it will appear on your board;

  5. To move the column to the desired location, click on the 3 dots next to it and then "Move".

How to add a sub-column (2nd level column)

  1. Select the desired column that you want to divide into second level columns;

  2. Press + next to it;

  3. Select "Add 2 subcolumns";

How to add a lane

  1. Select the board you want to add a lane to;

  2. Press + in the top right corner of the board;

  3. Select "Add lane";

  4. Next, come up with a name for the lane and it will appear on your board;

  5. To move the lane to the desired location, click on the 3 dots next to it and then "Move".

How you can use different boards to organize your workflow

Create different types of columns for each step of your workflow (or production)

Example of a Development board:

Example "Employee Development" board:

Divide the priorities using lanes on the board

Example of a board with two priorities: "Urgent" and "Regular"

Collect all planned tasks or ideas in a backlog

Example of a board where the backlog contains tasks for the next sprint and tasks for the indefinite future.

For convenience, the backlog is divided into several lanes: "Next sprint" and "The earlier, the better" and "Some day".

Collect important information on all projects on a board, attached to the space

Example of a board linked to a space with top-level tasks (on the left side of the screen). 

The tasks on the board to the right are subtasks (or child tasks) of larger tasks.

You can also place your OKRs or useful instructions on the attached board so that they are always at the fingertips of the users of the space.