What are columns for and how to use them

The visualization of working processes is one of the basic principles of the kanban-method. A visual representation of the process ensures transparency of the team's work. 

This is what boards divided into stages are used for. Each work task is a card on the board, which gradually moves from left to right, that is, it passes through all the stages, after which it is considered completed.

Columns are the stages of the work. 

How to use columns to visualize the workflow

A basic kanban-board consists of 3 columns: "To Do"/"Queue", "Doing"/"In Progress" and "Done". But you can create any number of columns that will clearly describe your workflow.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Stages of IT product development, broken down by columns.

  1. Stages of a HR specialist's workflow.

  1. Stages of work in pottery.

You can break down any workflow into columns in FlowFast. To do this, think about what stages a task has to go through from the time it is created to the "Done" stage, and create appropriate columns on the board. Then move the cards from one column to another as each stage is completed.

Try to display truly important steps. If you don't know which steps you want to add, use the standard columns '"To Do"/"Queue", "Doing"/"In Progress" and "Done"'.

Why divide into columns:

  • To visualize a step-by-step workflow;

  • To see the status of tasks on the board;

  • To understand how long the tasks are in progress;

  • To see which steps are "slowing down" the work and how they can be optimized.

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