Guest users

Guest users can browse the boards and leave comments in the cards, but do not require payment.

The ability to invite free guest users to your spaces comes in handy if you want to give customers or third-party experts access to your processes.

The difference between guest users and regular users

User with the "Commentator" role

Guest user


Chargeable, depends on tariff

Free of charge

Activities on spaces

Can view cards and post comments

The role can be changed Can create their own spaces, where they will have other roles

Can view cards and leave comments

Working with FlowFast documents

Can see documents that are open to everyone

Can be invited into the document

Can be granted access to read, edit or administer the document

Does not see documents that are open to all

Can be invited to the document

Can only read the document, can't have extended access

Working with the User Story Map

Sees publicly accessible User Story map

Can create User Story maps, cards, activities, releases Can be invited to the User Story map

Can't see the publicly accessible User Story map. Can only read the User Story map

Can be invited to User Story map

Working with the Service Desk module

If granted access, can leave requests

Can be given access to the administrative functions of the module

If granted access, can leave requests from the helpdesk interface/by email/via telegram

How to invite a guest user

There are two ways to do this: from the space or from the "Members" administrative section.

Only those who have the "Allow to invite users in spaces" permission can invite guest users. This is granted by the account owner or a member with access rights to the "Members" administrative section.

From a space

  1. Click on the icon with the little people in the upper right corner of the space.

  1. Click on the icon with a plus sign.

  1. In the window that opens, select the "Send invite" tab → enter the email of the person you want to invite and tick the "Invite as guest user" box -→ click "Send"

From the "Members" administrative section

To invite people in this section you must have access to the "Members" administration section

  1. Open menu → Members.

  1. Select the "Invites" tab.

  2. Enter the email of the person you wish to invite. Remember to check the "Invite as guest user" box. Select the space to which you are inviting the guest and click "Send".

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