User roles

From this article you will learn:

  • What user roles are there in FlowFast;

  • What are "Invited Users";

  • Who are the "Admin", "Writer" and "Commentator" in the space;

  • Roles of users in cards;

  • Roles of users in the "Documents" section.

What user roles are there in FlowFast

Globally there are 5 user roles in FlowFast:


The creator of the account. Automatically has administrator rights. 


All operations on the space are available. Has access to the administrative section. Can delete and restore boards and columns, and change roles of other members on the space. 


All operations are available except: removing boards and columns, setting up integrations, administrative section.


All workspaces (boards, reports, archive) are accessible, but only in the reading mode. Also can leave comments in cards.

Guest user

The entire workspace (boards, reports, archive) is available for reading and commenting only. There is no charge for guest users.

Each user on the space has their own role, independent of other spaces. 

Important: If you are the creator of an account in FlowFast, and you have access to all the administrative sections, you can still have a "read only" role on a space created by another user.

Also important: The administrator of a space and a user with access rights to an administrative section are NOT the same thing.

Owner and Invited users

The owner is the one who first registers his company in FlowFast, he has all the options open to him in FlowFast. He is the one who first invites users, chooses their roles and grants them administrative rights. Ownership of the account can also be transferred.

Invited users are all those who get access to the information in your FlowFast account. Those invited by the owner or other account administrators.

👉 For information on how to invite users, see "User management and access rights management".

Roles of users on spaces


The admin has access to all operations on a workspace and assigning the role of an admin to other users.

FlowFast has a special administrative section for administrators. There you can set up tagsand card types, create custom properties, change company settings, keep track of time, make payments, add users, work with helpdesk and download data via API.

Please note!
Each space user has their own role, independent of the other spaces. If you are the creator of an account in FlowFast, have access to all administrative sections, you can still have a "commentator" role on a space created by another user.


The writer has access to all operations on the workspace, except for deletion. A user with these rights can create a column or board, but cannot delete it. Writers do not have access to the administrative sections.

The admin of a space can restrict the writers' access only to those cards where he or she is the owner or member.

When the modifier is active, the user will only have access to those cards where they are a member or owner.


The commentator has access to the entire space but only in viewing and commenting mode.

This means he/she can see the boards, open and comment in the cards, view reports and the archive but cannot edit, move, create or delete any elements of the workspace.

Guest user

Guest users can view boards and comment on cards, but do not require payment.

Being able to invite guest users to your spaces for free comes in handy if you want to give a customer or outside experts access to your processes.

👉 For all the scenarios for using this role, see the instructions – "Guest Users".

Roles of users in cards

Within a card (task) there are three types of participants:


The person who created the card automatically becomes the owner.


Everyone added to the card as members.

Responsible member

There can only be one person responsible for a card. To appoint a person responsible, click on the avatar of the participant. In the window that appears, click "Make responsible".


On your Dashboard you can see all your cards, activities in FlowFast and time spent on the job. In this section you can use the roles (owner, member or responsible) to sort the cards.

That is, you can see in which cards you perform a particular role.

Roles of users in the "Documents" section

The Documents module is not bound to spaces and the rights of spaces do not correlate with the rights in this section. Each user can create and work with his/her own documents by inviting and granting access rights to others.

Each folder and document can be configured for access by clicking on the "Access" button in the right hand corner of the screen.

If you choose the "Everyone in the company (except guest users)" option - all active users of the company will see the document or the folder, regardless of the access to spaces.

If you choose the "Only invited users" option, no one will see the document or folder until you add participants yourself. For each participant added, you can configure their role: "administrator", "writer", "reader".

Available actions depending on access rights to the document/folder:


Can create, edit, share link, transfer and edit access rights to the document, delete the document.


Can create, edit, share links.


Can view and copy the contents of a document.

Access to a folder has priority over access to a document in that folder. That is, if you give the user reader access to a document inside a folder, but give "writer" access in the folder itself, the user will have editor access to every document in that folder that you invited them into.

Important! The space administrator cannot remove the document of another user unless he/she has appropriate permissions for the document or folder.

You may also find the articles useful:

👉 How to add users to FlowFast

👉 Roles of users on the space and differentiation of access rights

👉 Guest users