How to manage users and their access rights

In this article we will explain on top-level what "User rights in FlowFast" are, how you can manage users in your account.

You will learn:

  • What are the access rights of users in FlowFast;

  • How to manage users in FlowFast;

  • What to do if your employee cannot log in to FlowFast.

What access rights users have in FlowFast

All user rights in FlowFast are divided into two types:

  1. Access to administrative sections;

  2. Access to spaces and rights on a specific space.

Initially, only the Account Owner (the one who first created the company account) has access to all administrative sections and can invite other users and give them access rights.

Further, everyone who has access to the administrative section "Members" and the function "Invite users in spaces" can invite new users and change their rights.

Access to the administrative sections gives the possibility to manage one or more FlowFast sections:

Access to spaces allows the user to see boards and cards on a specific space.

When you invite a user to FlowFast, you immediately add him to a specific space. You can then give them access to one or more other spaces.

On a space, the user can have one of the roles - "Admin", "Writer" or "Commentator". Depending on the role given, the user will have certain capabilities in that space.

In different spaces, a user can have different roles. For example, a user can be an Admin on space A and only a Commentator on space B.

Access to administrative spaces does not affect the level of access or roles on specific spaces.

How to manage users in FlowFast

To manage users, you must have access rights to the "Members" administrative section.

In this section you can:

  1. Invite new users;

  2. Adjust user access rights to administrative sections;

  3. Add users to groups and manage groups;

  4. Deactivate a user;

  5. Transfer ownership of the account to another user.

*Follow the links to open detailed instructions.

To manage users on a space, you must have access to the "Members" administrative section and the Admin role on a specific space.

To do this, go to a specific space and click on the icon with 2 men in the top right corner

To add new users to a space, click on the icon with a plus in the top right corner.

Or click on the name of a user already on the space to change their role or restrict access to cards on the space.

👉 Read more in the instructions "Roles of users on the space and access rights".

What to do if your employee cannot authorize (log in to FlowFast)

It happens that team members cannot log in and see the message "Error: You do not have access to this company". The problem can be solved by the administrator of the account or by those who have access to the "Members" section.

  1. Go to the Administrative Menu → Members.

  1. Filter the users by there Access to FlowFast – Denied. You can additionally search by there email after you set the filter. Click on the necessary user and change their access rights to the needed option.

Done! Now users can successfully authorize.