Besides card properties available in FlowFast by default, you can create your own fields in cards to display the characteristics of an issue that are important to you.
In this article you'll learn:
How to create new custom properties and whom it's available to;
What types of custom properties there are and how to work with them;
How to delete the information from the custom property, remove the property from the card, deactivate the custom property.
There are two ways to create a custom property:
1. Go to Menu → Administration → Custom properties.
2. Straight in the card by selecting the option “Create new property”
The property can be created by the owner of the company, as well as by those users who have the access rights to the "Custom properties" administrative section.
When creating a new custom property, you can choose its type (string, email, select, multi select, number, date, etc.) and display options (showing on the facade of the card, make it multiline).
Let's touch upon each of them:
Allows you to send a letter directly from the card to the address specified in the field. Now you can, for example, assign a contact person for communication about the task, in addition to selecting the responsible members.
This custom property type limits the choice to just one option. This means the user can only choose one tag from the suggested list.
The difference between "Select" and "Multi select" is that you have no limits for the number of chosen fields.
This type is used for any quantitative values. We ourselves use them to denote the number of hypotheses there are within a task.
It is also useful for RICE and ICE Score methods. The priority level of the task will be reflected right on the facade of the card. You can filter out the cards with the highest rating and quickly determine which task to start in the first place.
This type is used for any calculations. You can insert the values of fields like “Number” or “String”, another formula or just use it as a calculator.
For example, you can count RICE Score:
Create 4 properties with number type (Reach, Impact, Confidence and Effort)
Create property with formula type for calculating RICE = (Reach * Impact * Confidence) / Effort
Go to the "Grid" format of space and choose the fields to be reflected in the table or just add all numeric properties and the formula to the card and fill the former properties.
Fill in the numbers either in the grid mode or within the card itself.
The RICE field will be counted automatically.
In FlowFast, you can create a field where multiple users can enter values. Such a field will be useful for the team's assessment of the priority of the problem (RICE and ICE Score) or its complexity (poker planning).
You can now add an emoji rating to a card, and that rating will be visible on the front of the card. There are two options to choose from: an emoji rating or an emoji set .
Use properties with "Vote" type for:
1. prioritization of tasks,
2. demonstration of important metrics of the task,
3. evaluating the results.
When creating the "Vote" field, you can select the type of assessment
1. Individual vote - each new grade in the card overwrites the previous value.
2. Collective vote - multiple users can vote. The score is calculated based on the average.
A property with the "Date" type is suitable if, in addition to the deadline, there are other important dates in the task that you need to remember.
This could be:
- record of the client's birthday,
- date of presentation of the commercial proposal,
- intermediate deadlines: when the design, text, layout on different sites, etc. will be ready.
This is how the property with the "Date" type looks on the front of the cards
This property allows to use FlowFast as a CRM – customer relationship management system. The «catalog» is a list of records, for example, to record data about customers, goods, services.
Unlike a field with the «Select» data type, the «Catalog» property can contain more detailed information. Data detailing is carried out by setting any text fields for the directory by the user.
The values can be reflected on the card front, you can filter cards by this property. It's possible to set colour which will be used for all the values.
For the «Catalog» property, the user can set any text fields. The first field is required, its value will be displayed on the front of the card. Other fields can also be made mandatory.
You can add items to the required fields manually in the Items section.
Or you can do it right within a card:
Please note, you can switch off this option for your users by unticking the required filled in the property settings:
👉 Additionally you can import data to Catalog from .xlsx files.
Allows to make a call right from the card. You can set the contact person whom to stay in touch with on the task additionally to adding a responsible member.
Click on the value, in the window that appears, click the "Remove" button
If the first method doesn't work, click on the trash can icon to the right of the field.
Open menu → Administration → Custom properties. Click on the trash can icon to the right of the field name.
In the window that opens, click "Remove" if you want the field to disappear from all cards.
Deactivating means that the property cannot be added to new cards, but the property and its values will remain unchanged in existing cards.
Open menu → Administration → Custom properties. Click on the trash can icon to the right of the field name. In the window that opens, click "Deactivate".