Checklists in FlowFast cards

A checklist is a list of items to be completed. The checklist allows you to:

  • generate a clear list of subtasks related to the card,

  • keep track of the progress of the task,

  • conveniently organise the work of several specialists on one task.

What you can do with the checklist

  1. Create / delete a checklist.

  2. Transfer or copy a checklist from one card to another.

  3. Create a common checklist for multiple cards.

  4. Turn checklist items into child cards.

  5. Copy the checklist text to paste into a document.

  6. Assign a person and deadline for each checklist item.

  7. Create template checklists.

How to create a checklist

You can create several checklists within one card.

Checklists can be created by writers and admins on the space.

  1. Open a card, and click the purple plus button.

  2. In the menu that appears, select "Checklist".

  1. Enter the name of the checklist and its items.

How the checklist works

After you add the checklist, a progress line appears above the items, it will fill in as you tick the items.

When you tick an item on the checklist, a record of who did it and when will appear below it.

*For your convenience you can use the "Hide checked" button, in case the checklist is bulky.

Once you have added the checklist, the progress line and its name will also be displayed on the front of the card on the board.

*The Checklist is only displayed on the card fronts in the Boards mode

If you hover your cursor over the checklist on a card on the board and click, a detailed overview of the checklist progress will open. It is not necessary to open the card to do this.

In the columns of the board you can set the rule "Checklists must be checked"

Then when you move a card with an unfilled checklist to this column, a red banner will appear on the card indicating that not all items on the checklist have been completed.

Select the column where you want to set the rule → Click the three dots next to it → Rules → Tick the "Checklists must be checked" box.

Why would you want to do this?

For example, you can put a corresponding rule before moving the card to the "Done" column. So that it is clear that all sub-items of the task are completed and it can be considered as really finished.

Another example: it is important that prior to taking on a task it has been prepared beforehand. You can prescribe the items of this preparation in a checklist, and put a rule on the "In Progress" column - "Checklists must be checked". Then the performer will understand that it is not worth taking on a task for which there has been no preparation.

How to delete a checklist

Open the card, click on the three dots to the right of the checklist name. In the drop-down menu click "Remove".

Transferring and copying the checklist to another card

  1. Open the card, tap on the three dots to the right of the checklist. 

  2. Click "Move the checklist to another card " or "Copy to another card" in the drop-down menu. Accordingly, the checklist will be deleted from the source card and moved to the new card if moved. When copied, it will be shown in both cards.

  3. Select the card you wish to move or copy the checklist to

  4. Then select the items on the checklist you want to move and press "Submit" or "Copy checklist".

Please note:

  • When Copying the checklist, FlowFast marks only those items that are not checked by default, but you can choose which items to copy;

  • When Moving the checklist, FlowFast transfers the entire checklist, but you can enable the "Only unchecked items" option.

Shared checklist for multiple cards

It is useful for synchronizing the work of several specialists. For example, the programmer in his card will see that the web-site layout from the designer is ready, and proceed to his part of the work.

Add a checklist to the card → click the three dots to the right of the checklist title → select "Create shared checklist" → select the card you want to share the checklist with → click "Share to the card".

Now a change to the checklist in one card will automatically appear in the other. For example, if you delete a checklist item, it will disappear from all cards with a shared checklist.

Turning checklist items into child cards

In a couple of clicks you can turn your checklist into a number of child cards. This is handy when you have a large project with a number of subtasks.

Click the three dots to the right of the name of the checklist.

From the drop-down menu, select "Convert checklist to child cards".

In the window that appears, select the board, column and lane where the child cards will be created. Here you can also immediately set the due date, size and types for the child cards.

Click the "Convert" button. 

By default the checklist itself is deleted when converting the checklist to child cards, but in the same window you can choose whether to delete the checklist in the main card or keep it. 

There is also an option not to add links for child cards.

Copy the checklist text to paste into the document

Open the card, click the three dots to the right of the checklist name. From the drop-down menu, click "Copy to clipboard". Paste the checklist into your document.

Assigning a responsible member and due date for the checklist item

Click the checklist item. You'll see to icons: a person with a plus to add a responsible user and alarm clock to set a due date.

This is what the checklist with assignees and deadlines looks like.

If you want to change the person, click on their avatar and in the window that appears, select a new person. To remove the person, click in his/her avatar and in the window that appears, click the cross next to his/her name.

You may also be interested in the following articles:

👉 Template checklists

👉 Types of columns

👉 Relationships between cards - parent and child cards