Board rules

You can set up specific rules for each board. These will help to automate your work with the cards and save you from unnecessary actions.

To add rules to the board, click the three dots in the upper right corner of the board → Rules → Select and activate the desired item.

What rules can be set for a board

  • The first picture loaded becomes the cover of the board.

  • Reset time the card spent on a board when the card is moved to another lane – relevant for stale card warnings.

  • Hide completed checklist – allows you to avoid cluttering up the card with information.

  • Hide finished template checklist in the "Done" column only – restricts the previous rule to template checklists.

  • Automatically move parent cards to "Done" column – when all child cards are completed, the parent card will automatically move.

  • Automatically move cards according to the status of child tasks – the parent card will be moved to the "In Progress" column when one of the child cards is in progress, the parent card will be moved to the "Done" column when all child tasks have been completed. See Automatic movement of related cards for details.

  • Allow automatic backward movements – related cards can move not only forward but also backward.See Automatic movement of related cards for details.

  • Automatically assign card mover as a member - if user moves a Queued card to another column, they will become a member.