Card format in columns

What is the column format

For each column, you can choose between two possible ways of card representation - card or list.

The "Card" format displays detailed information including: full header, tags and external links. One of the images attached to the card can also be displayed.

The "List" format displays the minimum amount of information, and displays all cards at the same height. 

This format is best for queues that usually contain a large number of cards.

How to change the column format

  1. Click on the three dots next to the desired column;

  2. Format;

  3. Select the desired display format.

You may change the format for only one of the columns or for several columns at your discretion.

You can also change the display format for all cards in the space

To do this, use the Compact or Personal views function.

You may also find the articles useful:

👉 Full, compact personal space views

👉 Spaces format/visual representation