How to set notifications in FlowFast

Notifications are informative messages about events that have taken place in FlowFast.

Instructions for setting up notifications

To set up your notifications, go to your profile settings and select "Notification settings".


You can receive notifications for the following events:

  1. You have been made responsible in a card;

  2. You have been added to the card as participant;

  3. Card has moved to another column / card is created in a column;

  4. New comment in a card;

  5. You have been mentioned in a comment;

  6. The card has been blocked;

  7. The card has been unblocked;

  8. Card description has been updated;

  9. The due date in the card has been changed.

Notification channels

You can receive notifications via email, Telegram or Slack and within FlowFast. Each notification channel has a settings section in your profile.


Go to your Profile, open the Email Notifications section. Make sure the 'Enabled' switch is activated, otherwise no notifications will be received.


To connect with Telegram, send a message to our bot @FlowFast Bot, it'll tell you how to authorize.

After authorization you can configure the necessary notifications in your profile settings.


To join Slack – add our application to your account (you need to be a Slack administrator to do this).

Once our app is installed in your Slack, you need to write a Direct Message to the app , then our app will guide you through the authorization process to receive notifications.

Please note that besides personal notifications, our app in Slack also allows you to subscribe to channel events. To do this, you need to invite our app to the channel and invoke the necessary commands (a list of commands can be obtained via the /FlowFast help command).

The notifications are sent if you:

  • You are a member of the card, responsible or owner (you become an owner in our terminology when you create a card, you can later change the owner of the card);

  • Subscribed for the card (a bell in an open card);

  • The card is on the space to which you are subscribed (subscribe to the space in the menu to the right of the name of the space).

You do not need to subscribe to a card while being a member.

Notifications are not sent if:

  • You are the doer of the action;

  • There are no events marked in the channel settings (in the Profile) that you expect to be notified about in this channel;

  • This is a special notification and you need to check that you have set everything correctly to be notified about the event (see below).

Special notifications

Notifications when a card is created (or a card is moved to a column)

To be notified when a card moves to another column, in addition to setting up a Channel, you need to subscribe to the columns of interest.

You subscribe to a column from the context menu of the column:

  1. Hover your mouse over the column name

  2. A three dot icon appears to the right of the column (at the end of the column area); click on it to open the context menu

  3. Look for "Subscribe for card movements" and choose the appropriate option.

If you select the subscription for all cards
in this column, you will be notified when a card is created in this column, as well as when other cards are moved into it.

You can also subscribe to columns via your profile settings.

In addition to signing up for the columns you want, make sure the channel you are interested in is set to receive this type of notifications (channel settings are in your Profile).

When will the notifications arrive?

Notifications come when changes have been made.

If you subscribe to the "Daily due date digest" you'll get notifications about all deadlines for your cards or the cards you're subscribed to once a day (in the morning).

The system will start notifying you of your deadlines no earlier than 7 days prior to the specified date. If a card is in the "Done" type of column or in the archive – you will not be notified about it.

Due date reminders ⏰

Reminders allow you not to forget about card or checklist items deadlines.

They can be activated by clicking on a due date within a card → Remind → Select option.

In cards, reminders are sent to members and subscribers as notifications. 

You can also enable checklist deadline reminders: click on an item deadline → Remind → Select option.

Deadline reminders for the checklist item are only sent to the person responsible for the item.

The notification will be of this type:

For users to receive a reminder notification, enable the "Due date reminder" option in the personal profile settings.